Przełącz na polską wersję

Accessibility statement

UW is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public sector bodies. This accessibility statement applies to

  • Date of website publication: 2000-02-20.
  • Last major update: 2022-06-02 .

Compliance status with Act on digital accessibility

This website is partially compliant with Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public sector bodies due to the non-compliances or the exemptions listed below:

  • Titles of sub-pages
    • Important information about page name is located at the end of the title.
  • Anchors (in page links)
    • The site does not contain skip links.
  • Links
    • The site contains links within image with no or insufficient ALT attribute.
    • The site contains context links with content that does not provide unambiguous information about their purpose.
    • The site contains repeated links.
  • Headings
    • The H1 heading is missing on the main page.
    • There are problems with headings structure on the site.
  • Other page controls
    • The drop-down main menu items are not accessible through a keyboard.
    • The site is experiencing problems with the use of drop-down menus by screen readers: no message indicating that the menu has been expanded.
  • Tables
    • The site contains tables with no header cells.
  • Accessibility of all the elements on a page
    • The drop-down main menu items are not accessible through a keyboard.
  • Searching the site
    • The search field does not contain label or button.
  • Accessibility of materials published on the site
    • The site may contain links to inaccessible documents.
  • Site map, understandability of site structure, ease of finding the information
    • The site does not contain site map.
  • Other problems related to accessibility for screen readers
    • The pages of the site contain errors in definitions of menu items that cause problems for screen readers.
  • Alternative text for images
    • The site contains images without alternative text.
  • Clickable items
    • Main menu items are inaccessible through a keyboard.
  • Keyboard Focus visibility
    • Pages of the site contain active elements that hide keyboard focus.
  • Accessibility of clickable items
    • The site contains clickable items that cannot be operated through a keyboard.
  • Dynamic elements on the site
    • The site contains drop-down elements that are not accessible through a keyboard.
  • Logical sequence of keyboard focus
    • The site hides the location of keyboard focus.
    • The site skips the location of focus for some menu items.
  • HTML/CSS validation
    • There are problems with HTML validation on the site.
  • Text spacing
    • The site contains contents that do not meet minimum spacing requirements.
  • Consistent Identification of page elements
    • The site contains elements that are highlighted visually but are not marked with proper attributes.
  • User interface accessibility
    • Interface of the site contains elements that are inaccessible or difficult to operate.
    • Drop-down main menu items are not accessible through a keyboard.

This statement was prepared on: 2023-06-30.

The statement was based on the self-assessment done by the public sector body: Office for Persons with Disabilities (BON), UW..

Keyboard shortcuts

No keyboard shortcuts have been specified on the website.

Feedback and contact information

The contact person for the accessibility of this website is: Danuta Klimkiewicz. If you experience problems with accessibility of this website, contact with us by sending an e-mail to:, or by calling 225540036. Requests for providing accessible alternative for non-accessible content as well as other requests related to accessibility can be submitted by the same channels.

Complaints procedure

Everyone has the right to request digital accessibility to the website, mobile application or any elements thereof. You can also request information to be made available using an alternative means of access, for example by reading out a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a video without audio description, etc.

The request should contain the particulars of the person filing the request, indication of the website or mobile application it concerns and contact information. If the requesting person reports the need to receive information by means of an alternative method of access, they should also specify a convenient mode of presenting such information to them.

The public entity should promptly satisfy the request, not later than within 7 days from the date the request was filed. If meeting this deadline is not possible, the public entity will promptly notify the person filing the request about the time when the request can be satisfied, however, this deadline may not exceed 2 months from the date of filing the request.

If the provision of digital accessibility is not possible, the public entity may offer an alternative access to the information. If the public entity refuses to comply with the request to provide accessibility or an alternative method to access the information, the person filing the request may lodge a complaint regarding the provision of digital accessibility to the website, mobile application or an element of the website or mobile application. After exhausting the above-mentioned procedure, an application may be filed with the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Architectural accessibility

Full list of buildings belonging to the University of Warsaw with information on their architectural accessibility.

The Leading Unit declares the architectural availability of the building: Building of the Faculty of Geology - 93 Żwirki i Wigury Street, postcode 02-089 Warsaw, address 93 Żwirki i Wigury Street

Administrative Director: Grzegorz Kapłon

Phone: (22)55 40 007


Entrance to the building

Two entrances: the first one on the back, from the car park through the terrace with wide stairs, few steps inside of the main corridor on the ground floor; the second doors from the main courtyard through the wicket from Banacha Street 110 centimetres wide and opened constantly from 7 am to 7 pm. The entrance accessible for persons with disabilities, two-leaves doors 135 centimetres wide left leaf 45 centimetres wide constantly blocked, right leaf 90 centimetres wide with a doors closer, manually opened). An intercom and a camera monitored by the concierge, who can be asked for the assistance. Access to the basement via the platform with supportive handles, 122 centimetres wide, the elevator on the opposite wall from Pasteura Street.

Corridors and passages

Two lifts in the building: 1. The lift on the east side (from 93 Żwirki i Wigury Street) unavailable for persons with disabilities. Two pairs of manual opening doors: external single leaf and internal double leaf. Entrance width: 59 centimetres, cabin width: 94 centimetres., cabin depth 118 centimetres. 2. west side (from Pasteura Street) - lift adjusted for persons with disabilities. Doors automatically opened. Entrance width: 90 centimetres., cabin equipped with handrail, cabin dimensions: width 92 centimetres, depth: 122 centimetres. The corridors on the higher ground floor, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors are accessible by the lift. Corridor width approx. 190 centimetres. The main part of the corridor on the ground floor from the north side lowered. The connecting corridor (the building octagonally shape) elevated. In the part of the lowered main corridor at the stairs platforms for persons with disabilities. Also platforms for persons with disabilities at the stairs to the connecting passage. The platforms are 83 x 70 centimetres. The platform operated by the concierge. Hall: 1012 - double doors, max. width 140 centimetres. Hall not suitable for wheelchair users - seats with table top on 6 levels - stairs. Access to side benches also via stairs. Very little space in front of the first row of benches. Hall: 1138 - double doors, max. width 137 centimetres. The hall not suitable for wheelchair users. Benches permanently fixed to the floor (seat with top). Width from the benches to the wall approx. 110 centimetres. The halls and large halls have double doors, the width of the entrances is approx. 140 centimetres. The entrances to some lecture halls, seminar rooms, exercise rooms are less than 90 centimetres wide (80 - 85 centimetres) among others to halls: 1016, 1130, 2016, 3016, 1151/1155, P032/ P034, 2137, 1037, 1165/1167, 2022, 2024/2026, 2025, 2032 and some laboratory rooms.


When assistance needed, it is best to ask for it at the concierge hall.

Extra help

When assistance needed, it is recomended to ask the concierge.

Bathrooms, toilets, changing rooms

Three wheelchair users accessible toilets in the building: one on the ground floor and two on the first floor (male and female). The restrooms accessible from a corridor - by lift from Pasteura Street. Door closers on the doors.The cloakroom located in the corridor on the ground floor. Access by lift from Pasteura Street.

Additional customizations

No adjustments of the venue for persons with disabilities (especially with hearing and visual impairment).

Access and parking spaces

Access by public transport: bus lines: 188, 136, 175, 186, 504. The car park located within the Ochota Campus. Access to the car park only with a pass. A pass or a single entry permit may be obtained upon prior notification to the building administration.

The right to enter with an assistance dog

Easy access with a guiding dog.

PJM translator

If there is a need of the assistance of a Polish Sign Language interpreter, it is highly recommended to subbmit the application at University's Office for Persons with Disabilities at least 3 days before the actual date of the service. Contact to the OPD: telephone no.: +48 22 55 24 222, e-mail address:, website:

If there is a need of the assistance of a Polish Sign Language interpreter, it is highly recommended to subbmit the application at University's Office for Persons with Disabilities at least 3 days before the actual date of the service. Contact to the OPD: telephone no.: +48 22 55 24 222, e-mail address:, website: