Przełącz na polską wersję

Accessibility statement

UW is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public sector bodies. This accessibility statement applies to

  • Date of website publication: 2018-11-22.
  • Last major update: 2022-05-23 .

Compliance status with Act on digital accessibility

This website is partially compliant with Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public sector bodies due to the non-compliances or the exemptions listed below:

  • Links
    • The site contains context links with content that does not provide unambiguous information about their purpose.
    • The site contains links with URL address as their text.
  • Alternative text for images
    • The site contains text images without alternative text.
  • Other page controls
    • The drop-down main menu items are not accessible through a keyboard.
  • Clickable items
    • Main menu items are inaccessible through a keyboard.
  • Accessibility of all the elements on a page
    • The drop-down main menu items are not accessible through a keyboard.
  • Site map, understandability of site structure, ease of finding the information
    • The site does not contain site map.
  • Contrasts and colours on the site
    • The site contains elements that do not meet contrast requirements.
  • Keyboard Focus visibility
    • The site may hide keyboard focus visibility.
  • Accessibility of clickable items
    • The site contains clickable items that cannot be operated through a keyboard.
  • Responsive Web Design
    • Some information may not be visible in mobile mode.
  • User interface accessibility
    • Drop-down main menu items are not accessible through a keyboard.

This statement was prepared on: 2024-12-17.

The statement was based on the self-assessment done by the public sector body: Office for Persons with Disabilities (BON), UW..

Keyboard shortcuts

No keyboard shortcuts have been specified on the website.

Feedback and contact information

The contact person for the accessibility of this website is: Tomasz Zaparty. If you experience problems with accessibility of this website, contact with us by sending an e-mail to:, or by calling +48 880 303 427. Requests for providing accessible alternative for non-accessible content as well as other requests related to accessibility can be submitted by the same channels.

Complaints procedure

Everyone has the right to request digital accessibility to the website, mobile application or any elements thereof. You can also request information to be made available using an alternative means of access, for example by reading out a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a video without audio description, etc.

The request should contain the particulars of the person filing the request, indication of the website or mobile application it concerns and contact information. If the requesting person reports the need to receive information by means of an alternative method of access, they should also specify a convenient mode of presenting such information to them.

The public entity should promptly satisfy the request, not later than within 7 days from the date the request was filed. If meeting this deadline is not possible, the public entity will promptly notify the person filing the request about the time when the request can be satisfied, however, this deadline may not exceed 2 months from the date of filing the request.

If the provision of digital accessibility is not possible, the public entity may offer an alternative access to the information. If the public entity refuses to comply with the request to provide accessibility or an alternative method to access the information, the person filing the request may lodge a complaint regarding the provision of digital accessibility to the website, mobile application or an element of the website or mobile application. After exhausting the above-mentioned procedure, an application may be filed with the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Architectural accessibility

Full list of buildings belonging to the University of Warsaw with information on their architectural accessibility.

The Leading Unit declares the architectural availability of the building: Post-Rector Building, postcode 00-927 Warsaw, address 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street

Administrative Director: Emilia Jasińska



Corridors and passages

Very narrow corridors, no possibility of a wheelchair passage or free passage of a person on crutches. Steep and narrow stairs. No elevators in the building.


Assistance of a concierge by the entrance to the building. No wheelchair access.

Extra help

Assistance at the concierge hall available.

Bathrooms, toilets, changing rooms

No accessible restrooms in the building.

Additional customizations

No adjustments of venue in the building.

Access and parking spaces

Public transport to the stop 'Uniwersytet'. Parking on a Main Campus area for persons with disabilities after getting the enty pass with a support of the Office for Persons with Disabilities.

The right to enter with an assistance dog

Guide dogs not allowed to the building.

PJM translator

If there is a need of the assistance of a Polish Sign Language interpreter, it is highly recommended to subbmit the application at University's Office for Persons with Disabilities at least 3 days before the actual date of the service. Contact to the OPD: telephone no.: +48 22 55 24 222, e-mail address:, website:

If there is a need of the assistance of a Polish Sign Language interpreter, it is highly recommended to subbmit the application at University's Office for Persons with Disabilities at least 3 days before the actual date of the service. Contact to the OPD: telephone no.: +48 22 55 24 222, e-mail address:, website: